Wednesday, April 17, 2019


  • It refers to the development of child bones, muscles, ability to move around and manipulate his or her environment
  • Motor development is the development of movements and various motor abilities from birth Till death. Itis a progressive change in movement throughout the life cycle.
  • There are three stages of motor development in children - infancy, early childhood & later childhood.

Motor development in children are divided into two types 
A) Gross motor development  
It involves development of large or big muscles of our body  this big muscles help us to stand, sit, run, climb etc

B) Fine motor development 
  • It involves development of small muscles of our body specially the muscles of fingers wrist and hands.
  • These muscles help us to perform work or skills perfectly and accurately such as catching, throwing, gripping, writing balancing, dancing, climbing, etc.
1. Biological factors ( genetic or heridity factors)
The genes that we get from our parents are responsible for motor development.
The percentage of fast twitch muscle fibres and slow twitch muscle fibres depends upon biological factors
These factors affect the rate and ability of motor development.

2. Environmental factors
Clean, safe and natural environment is healthy and good for motor development activities.

3. Nutritional factors
Nutritious food promotes good motor development.
Children become stronger and healthy with good diet that improves motor development.

4. Physical activities
Performing regular physical activities or exercise, enhances motor development at faster rate in children.

5. Body weight
Obesity and overweight have negative effect on motor development.
Obese and overweight children have less motor development whereas healthy child has more skill perfection or good motor development.

6. Postural deformity
Postural deformities also have negative effects on motor development.
It reduces perfection and accuracy in motor skills whereas a healthy person gains faster motor development.

Following are the stages of Motor Development in Children.

Infants ( Up to 3 years )
  • Parents should provide healthy diet and playful environment for gross motor development.
  • They should regularly check the growth and development of their child.
  • They should consult doctors for vaccination and health of the child.
  • The activities of infants are crawling, sitting, standing, walking, rolling, bending etc.
  • Infants should take proper rest and sufficient sleep.
Early Childhood ( 3 to 8 Years)
  • In this stage, Children should be given healthy & Playful area, balanced diet and recreational activities.
  • Special care should be given to develop hygienic habits and moral values in them.
  • They should perform gross motor development activities such as running, jumping, throwing, climbing etc.
  • Recreational activities with ball, rope skipping, fun games and rhythmic exercises are beneficial for them.
Later Childhood ( 9 to 13 age group)
  • During this both gross and fine motor activities can be performed.
  • Activities such as gymnastics, yogasanas, swimming, athletics etc are good sports activities for this age group.
  • Ball games like football volleyball, basketball, handball are also beneficial.
  • Racket games like badminton & table tennis also helps to develop fine Motor skills.
  • Calisthenics can also be beneficial to develop physical fitness along with teamwork.
  • These are exercises  that are design to strengthen specific muscles by causing them to overcome fixed resistance usually in the form of barble and dumbbell.
  • Weight training is considered as one of the old and best method  to develop strength.
  • Weight Training depends upon the principle of overloading in which resistance is gradually increased depending on the muscular ability of an individual.
  • Weight training should always be performed under the supervision of experts or coach to bring desired strength and shape of body and to reduce the chances of injuries.
  • One must perform proper warming up before beginning weight training exercises.
1. Increases strength
It develops and increases tremendous amount of strength in an individual.
It helps to develop specific component of strength that is Maximum strength, explosive strength and strength endurance.
It is considered as best name to develop strength.
2. Controls body weight 
Weight training helps to remove extra body fat and increases bone density of an individual, this ultimately helps in controlling weight.
3. Rehabilitation
Weight training exercises are good for rehabilitation process and helps individual to recover from injuries.
4. Improves Postures:-
Weight training helps to improve posture by improving appetite and diet of an individual.
5. Improves performance
Weight training program is beneficial for improving the performance of an athlete it is one of the most significant component of conditioning program for runners, jumpers, weightlifters, body builders, throwers etc

1. Expensive equipments
 weight training needs a specific type of tools, machines and equipments which are expensive and difficult to manage at home.

2. Injuries are common
Weight training open causes injuries like cramps, strain, sprain etc.
If you perform weight training exercise without any supervision of an expert or coach the risk of injuries are more.

3. Reduces flexibility
Weight training exercises reduce the level of flexibility in an individual.

4. Not recommended for cardiac patient
Weight training exercises are not recommended to cardiac patients has weight training exercises increases blood pressure.

5. Needs good coach and expert
A good coach for expert is must for weight training exercise program.
An untrained coach may cause overtraining or heavy training which might hinder the growth of children.

  • Posture is the position in which you hold your body and limbs when standing, sitting or lying down.
  • Posture is the body position (static or dynamic) where the body experiences minimum stress to muscles.
  • It is the specific position of person while sitting, standing, walking, running etc.

  • Good or correct posture is the position of the body held with minimum stress to the muscles and bones.
  • Good posture means balancing of body in an accurate manner while sitting, standing, walking, running or during any other action performed by the body.
  • You have a good posture when your body position creates least amount of stress on supportive muscles and ligaments, when you perform any weight training activity.
  • The foremost impression of an individual is gathered from how he stands, sits and walks. 
  • In a proper posture, the whole body weight falls on both feet without any effort and the entire body appears to be in a vertical line. 
  • In this position all the limbs of body perform their functions efficiently. 
  • Posture is dynamic and changes according to the activity.
1. Good physical appearance
  • The first image of personality comes through good posture.
  • A good posture makes an individual look smart, good looking, charming and attractive.
  • Good posture gives more confident, vigorous, competent and beautiful youthful appearance.

2. Better skill perfection
  • Sports and games involve various types of movements.
  • Good posture helps to improve perfection and accuracy in skills.
  • Good posture helps to attain graceful as well as efficient moments to achieve apex performance in sports.

3. Prevents respiratory disorders
  • Good posture helps to open air face and improves breathing.
  • Proper breathing allows good flow of oxygen in to the organs, nervous system and various tissues of the body.

4. Better selection of players
  • Correct posture of players helps the coaches and physical education teachers for better selection of players for various sports activities.
  • It also helps in individual for selection in Defence Services.

5. Prevents disorders and diseases
  • Correct postures helps to prevent postural deformities like kyphosis, scoliosis, knock knees etc.
  • It also prevents health problems like lower back pain, neck strain, headaches, constipation, spinal related problems etc.

6. Good social status
  • A good personality reflects positive social qualities such as self confidence, good behaviour etc.
  • Good posture is an image of healthy and Happy lifestyle and improve social well being of an individual.
1. Accidents:-
Sometimes deformities can also occur due to accidents.
Accidents may cause severe injuries to the body.
These injuries may lead to poor posture or postural deformities.

2. Lack of Nutritional diet or Malnutrition:-
If we don't take proper diet, the bones and muscles become weak. Thus we get fatigue. Now if a person performs activities under fatigue condition, he or she may suffer from bad posture.

3. Wrong postural habits:-
The faulty position or wrong postural habits while sitting, standing, walking etc leads to postural deformities or bad posture.

4. By birth:-
Poor or bad posture maybe by birth also . Kyphosis, flat foot and dislocation of hip joints are some common postural deformities that occur by birth.

5. Fashion:-
Modern fashion creates hindrance in the development and smooth functioning of the body. 
Due to fashion children cannot walk, stand and sit properly.
Tight fitting clothes and high heels causes severe bad posture.

6. Obesity and overweight:-
Obesity enhances the chances of extra effort on the muscles and skeletal system of the body.
If a person is overweight, it puts extra weight and pressure on joints, bones and muscles of the body.
This can lead to deformity or bad posture in the body such as flat foot, bow legs, knock knees etc.


Deformities related with spine.
A) Kyphosis    B) Lordosis  C) Scoliosis


  • This postural deformity of spine is also called round upper back or hunchback.
  • It is an abnormal curvature of spine at front.
  • It causes hump at back of the body. Thus , shoulders and neck comes forward.
  • This deformity causes convexity of thoracic cage. Thus, body weight is shifted forward
  • This deformity causes severe pain and discomfort, breathing and digestion difficulties, cardio muscular irregularity.
Causes of kyphosis
Malnutrition, illness, insufficient exercise, carrying heavy loads on shoulders, unsuitable furniture, weak muscles, improper habits of sitting, walking, standing etc.

Remedies for corrective measures for kyphosis
  1. Leaning back on a chair and taking the shoulder backward can help to stretch the chest muscles
  2. One should always keep a pillow under your back while sleeping
  3. Bend your head backward in standing position
  4. Perform yogasan like dhanurasan, bhujangasan and chakrasan regularly.
  • It is a condition where there is increase in curvature of spine.
  • It is an increased forward curve in the lumbar region of spine beyond its normal level.
  • In this deformity the body weight is shifted backward does lot of pressure is on heels.
  • It also causes lower back pain.
Causes of lordosis
Imbalance diet, in proper development of muscles, weeks final muscles, obesity or overweight, sedentary Lifestyle etc

Corrective measures or remedies for lordosis
  1. Perform paschimottanasana and Al Hassan regularly
  2. Perform forward bending exercise regularly
  3. Perform alternate toe touch exercise regularly
  4. Perform abdominal crunch exercise regularly

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


  • Disability is an impairment that may be cognitive, developmental, intellectual, mental, physical etc.
  •  It affects the everyday activities of the individual to a considerable amount. 
  • It may be present in an individual from birth or occur during one’s lifetime.  
  • Disability is an injury that restricts the functions or movements of an individual. 
  • It is the consequence of an impairment caused to an individual. 
  • Disability is a medical condition which does not permit an individual to perform any activity or movement in a normal way.

  • Disability is an impairment that may be cognitive, developmental, intellectual, mental, physical, sensory ora combination of these  that  restricts  everyday activities and maybe present from birth  or occur during persons lifetime. 
  • It is a condition in which a person experiences inability or incompetency in performing any functional work by the body.

  • Disorder is an illnes5s or dysfunctional factor that affect the physiology and or psychology of an individual 
  • A disorder is a problem for illness which affects someone's mind or body and interrupts then normal function 
  • It can be structural or  functional or both.
  • Structural disorder is visible some part or other part of the body is observably different from what is considered as physiologically normal. It can be physiological disorder that is disorders of mind. 
  • Functional disorder is less noticeable. In this disorder there may be disturbance in speech, understanding, behaviour, motor coordination, reaction time etc.

  • This is a limitation on person's ability to perform physical functions such as walking, running, dexterity and stamina.
  • Disorders such as breathing disorders, sleeping disorders, Visual impairment, sensory disability & motor disability are also classified under physical disabilities.
  • Musculoskeletal disability which occurs when the person has a problem in bones or muscles are also classified as physical disability.
  • Neuromuscular disability which is the result of an illness or a disorder of nervous system that causes muscle disorders is also classified under physical disability.
  • There are many conditions such as spinal cord injuries, stroke, trauma which may lead to mobility and physical impairment such as paralysis.
  • The inability to use upper or lower body because of paralysis, stiffness, pain or other impairment is known as physical impairment 
  • It may be the result of birth defects, injuries,  diseases, age and accidents.
  • It is a mental disorder that creates hindrances or obstruction for an individual to store, process and produce information.
  • This ability can affect an individual’s ability or capability to read, compute, speak and write.
  • An individual with cognitive disability will have problem while assimilating, storing, processing and producing information, which may further lead to difficulties at performing motor functions.
  • Cognitive disability hamper’s the individual capacity to acquire knowledge, pay attention, make judgements, coordinate their physical actions etc.
  • It is a category of mental disorders that primarily affect cognitive abilities such as learning, memory, perception and problem solving.
  • Cognitive disability is a term used when a person has certain limitations in mental functioning and in skills such as communicating, taking care of himself or herself and social skills.
  • This limitations will cause a child to learn and develop more slowly than a typical child.
  • Children with cognitive disabilities may take longer to speak, walk and take care of personal need such as dressing or eating.
The individual’s, who have this type of disability, usually have following symptoms:
i) Memory disorder: An individual who has auditory problems or difficulty in remembering something that he heard, said or saw before sometime.

ii) Hyperactivity: An individual with cognitive disability may not have attention for a long period. He finds it difficult to stay at one place.

iii) Dyslexia: An individual with cognitive disability may exhibit dyslexia. It means he may have difficulty in writing, reading, speaking, etc.
Cognitive Disability can be caused by
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Environmental Factors
  • Malnutrition
  • Physical Injury etc
  • It is a disability characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviour which covers many everyday social and practical skills.
  • This disability originates before the age of 18.
  • The child with intellectual disability have limitations in the functioning of mental capacity such as learning, reasoning, problem solving and IQ Level.
  • Intellectual functioning also known as IQ refers to a person's ability to learn, reason, make decisions and solve problems.
  • IQ is measured by IQ test.
  • A person is considered disabled if he or she has an IQ score less than 70 to 75.
  • Adaptive behaviour can be observed by monitoring child's social skills and comparing it with same age group.


Road accidents, natural disasters, falls, wars, violence and conflict can cause people to lose their eyesight, hearing, Limbs or other parts of the body causing disability.
Sports accidents as in car or motorcycle racing may cause permanent disability.

Even in the field of games and sports athlete may fall and get injured which may result into disability.
Several Sports like bike racing cycling football horse riding car racing etc we see athlete getting severely injured.

Diseases such as Arthritis, cancer, stroke, diabetes etc also contribute mainly in long term disability.
These disease limit the ability to function properly and carry out day to day activities.
Besides causing physical disabilities disease can cause mental disabilities also.
Mental illness such as depression, bipolar disorder etc affect the brain and nerves and causes mental disability

Abnormalities in genes and genetic inheritance from parents and errors when jeans combine can cause intellectual disability in children.
Sometimes, diseases, illness, infections and over exposure to x-rays during pregnancy may cause genetic disorder.

It is important that a pregnant woman receives proper health care during pregnancy for a healthy birth.
Smoking, use of drugs, drinking alcohol can cause intellectual disability to the child.
Similarly infections during pregnancy and exposure to harmful chemicals can severely affect the developing baby.

Malnutrition is a condition when children do not get proper diet and nutrition.
Infants are likely to develop long term disability if they are undernourished.
Malnutrition often leads to poor growth, underweight weak muscles fragile bones and low immunity in children.
It can cause physical as well as mental disability such as blindness, cognitive disability and mental disability.
For example Deficiency of calcium leads to malformation of bones;
Deficiency of vitamin 'A' can cause blindness in the children.

a) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
b) Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
c) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
d) Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
e) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OSD)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • It is a group of behavioral symptoms that include inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. 
  • It is medical conditions that affects how well can someone sit still, focus and pay attention. 
  • The individual with ADHD have some problems focusing in some activities.
  • A Child with this disorder faces extreme difficulties at paying attention and controlling his / her hyperactive behaviour.
  • ADHD is a condition in which trouble paying attention and focusing on tasks, tends to act without thinking and has trouble sitting still.
  • ADHD is found both in Children and adults, with varying symptoms.
  • There are there major symptoms of ADHD
  • People with ADHD are easily distracted.
  • They have trouble paying attention.
  • It is difficult for them to focus on any one task.
  • They are disorganized.
  • They seems to move around constantly even in the situations in which it is not appropriate.
  • Children with ADHD have trouble sitting still for even a short time.
  • Teens and adults often feels restless and fidget.
  • They are not able to enjoy reading, listening or other quite movements.
  • They make hasty actions without first thinking about them.
  • They may talk too laud, laugh too laud or become angry than the situation calls for.
  • They can’t wait for their turn
  • Teens and adults makes important decision without considering the long time consequences. 
  • They may spend too much money or change jobs often. 
The various causes of ADHD are as follows:
a) Genetic factors: It is not a disorder that passed socially from one person to another, but may be  inherited  from parents .If a parent has ADHD, child has more than 50% chances of having it.
b) Brain injuries: Brain injuries during birth or thereafter and neurological diseases are also known to cause ADHD.
c) Low birth weight: infants born with low birth weight are more likely to develop ADHD.
d) Exposure to environmental toxins such as five levels of LED at young age may cause ADHD.
e) Diet: lack of balanced diet play a significant role in causing ADHD. Artificial food colours and sodium benzoate have also been found to cause a ADHD.

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
  • Sensory Processing Disorder is a condition in which the brain has difficulty in receiving and responding to the information that comes in through senses.
  • Sensory Processing Disorder may affect one sense such as touch, sight, taste or movement. It may also affect multiple senses. 
  • SPD is a neurological condition that exist when sensory signals don't get organised into appropriate responses.
  • Normally our brain takes information through our senses i.e. smell, taste, look, touch and then process it into Useful information that helps us to lead a normal life. This is disturbed in people with SPD.
  • Symptoms of SPD 
  • People with sensory processing disorder maybe come over sensitive or shows over reactivity to things related to his or her surroundings such as sound, touch or movement may be painful or overwhelming to them.
  • People with SPD has poor Motor skills,  uncoordinated movements, poor balance, poor handwriting skills etc
  • People with SPD has poor neuromuscular coordination.
  • Causes of SPD 
  • Genetic Factor: Studies indicate that children born to adults who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may be at a higher risk to develop SPD. 
  • Low birth weight is also considered one of the causes of sensory processing disorder.
  • Factors such as improper parental care during pregnancy or at infancy, brain injuries and malnutrition are also responsible for causing SPD.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Autism spectrum disorder is a neurological and developmental disorder that begins early in childhood and last throughout a person's life
  • It affects how a person's acts and interacts with others communicates and learns.
  • The disorder also includes Limited and repetitive patterns of behaviour such as spinning or hand flapping
  • The term spectrum in Autism spectrum disorder refers to wide range of symptoms and sincerity.
  • People with ASD might have problems with communication  or has poor eye contact and lacks facial expression, has specific foods  preferences etc
  • ASD causes problems functioning in society, in school and at work or other areas of life.
Causes of ASD are follows
  1. Mothers exposed to high level of pesticides and air pollution may also be at a higher risk of having a child with ASD.
  2. Genetic mutations and differences have been found to result in ASD
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a set or group of behavioural disorders called disruptive behaviour disorders. 
  • This disorder is a condition in which a child displays an ongoing pattern of anger, irritable mood, disobedient, hostile and defiant behaviour directed towards people in authority. 
  • The individuals affected by this disorder usually rebel, argue with adults, refuse to obey and are obstinate.
  • All children are oppositional from time to time, particulartly when tired, hungry or stressed.
  • They may argue, talk back, disobey and defy parents, teachers and elders.
  • The child activities often disturbs his daily activities within the family or at school.

Symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder
  • Frequent temper
  • Excessive argumentative behaviour with elders
  • Often questioning rules
  • Blaming others for his/her mistakes or misbehaviours
  • Revengeful attitude
  • Mean or selfish and hateful talking when upset.
  • Performs actions deliberately to make people angry or upset.

The various causes of Oppositional Defiant Disorder are as follows:
a) Biological or Genetic factors: Children are more susceptible of developing ODD if they have a parent with a history of ADHD or ODD.
b) Psychological factors: Children may develop ODD if they don’t have a good relationship with parents or have neglectful parents or have the inability to develop a social relationship.
C) Social factors: Oppositional Defiant Disorder may be due to inconsistent discipline, divorce, poverty, the chaotic (confusion / disorder) environment in the family and exposure to violence.

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a mental disorder where people feel the need to check things regularly, performs certain routines repeatedly to remove certain unwanted thoughts.
  • The people with obsessive compulsive disorder are unable to control their thoughts or activities even for short period of time.
  • Common activities include washing hands frequently, counting of things, checking to see the door is locked properly, etc.
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a chronic or long term illness that can affect your life, relationships and limits your abilities to work at home or school.
  • OCD is a type of mental illness that causes unwanted thoughts. To get rid of these thoughts, the person does the same task again and again.


  • Disability etiquette are set of guidelines dealing specifically with how to approach behave with specially abled person.
  • Disability etiquette refers to respectful communication and interaction with people who have disabilities.
The rules of etiquette and good manners for dealing with people with disability are generally same as the rules for good etiquette in society

  • Talk directly
When talking with the person with disability we should speak directly to them rather than through a companion or sign language or interpreter.
  • Offer to handshake 
When introduced to person with disability, it is appropriate to offer a handshake. People with Limited hand use or who wear artificial Limb may perform handshake.
Shaking hand with left hand is considered as an acceptable greeting.
  • Explain before conversing with visually impaired 
when meeting a person who is visually impaired, always explain or identify yourself.
explain yourself and others who may be with you.
 when converging a group remember to identify a person to whom you are talking.
  • Ask before you help
If you want to offer and assistance to person with disability wait until the offer is accepted then listen to or ask for instruction

  • Don't touch or lean on the wheelchair
Don't push or touch a person's wheelchair.
Leaning or hanging on to a wheelchair is similar to leaning or hanging onto to a person and is generally considered as annoying.
The chair is believed to be the part of person's body.
  • Listen them carefully
Listen attentively when you are speaking or talking with the person who has difficulty in speaking.
Be patient and wait for the person to finish rather than correcting or interrupting them.
If necessary, ask short questions which are having short answers or nod or shake of a head.
Never pretend to understand if you are having difficulty in doing so, instead repeat what you have understood and allow the person to explain or respond.

  • Use “people first” language which recognizes that individuals are more than their disabilities.

Advantages of physical activities for children with Special needs

a) Reduced level of anxiety, stress and depression: physical activities may help in reducing the level of anxiety, stress and depression of children with disabilities.
b) Improved social interaction: physical activities provide ample opportunities for improving the social interaction among children with special needs. Social relations are developed during involvement in physical activities.

c) Better emotional and psychological health: physical activities are beneficial for children with special needs because such activities improve psychological and emotional health.

d) Cognitive benefits: physical activities lead to cognitive skill improvement in children with disabilities. These activities allow them to discover and access strengths that cannot be challenged in the classroom setting.

e) Physical Improvements:- regular involvement in physical education and sports can help them to develop better motor skills and enhanced physical health that helps individuals to fight back against problems such as obesity, and the health complications that follow.
Participation in physical activities helps children with special needs to develop hand-eye coordination, flexibility, muscle strength, endurance, and even cardiovascular efficiency.

Strategies to make physical activities accessible for children with special needs

Adapted physical education is a specially designed program of physical activities for special category people like physically challenged, handicapped mentally retarded, blind etc.

Following are the strategies to make physical activity accessible for children with special needs
  • Activities according to individual abilities :-
physical education programs for students with disabilities are specifically and specially design according to their abilities.
  • Modified equipments:-
Equipments are specially design and modified according to the individual needs of children with disabilities.
  • Simple and easy rules 
The physical activity for disabled person should have simple and easy rules so that they can be motivated to participate safely and successfully.
  • Participation under expert:-
Students with disabilities should always participate under experts observation with full safety measures.
  • Medical check-up: 
If we want to make physical activities accessible for the children with special needs, we need to understand the type of disabilities of children and for this purpose complete medical check-up of the children is required. Because without a complete medical check-up, the teachers of physical education cannot come to know about the type of disability child is facing.
  • Activities based on interests: 
Physical activities must be based on interest, aptitudes, abilities, previous experience and limitations of children with special needs. The teachers of physical education should have deep knowledge of limitations, interest and aptitudes of children.
  • Different instructional strategies: 
A variety of different instructional strategies such as verbal, visual and peer teaching should be used for performing various types of physical activities. By this children get the opportunity to learn by their own and become independent.

Friday, March 22, 2019


Yoga is a life science which deals with health of the body and harmony of mind.

Elements of Yoga:-
According to Maharishi Patanjali, there are eight elements of yoga i.e.

ASANA means to sit in a comfortable or position or posture for a long period of time.

1. Prevents Cardiovascular diseases:-

  • Practice of asana helps to control cholesterol level, normalizes blood pressure and improves cardiovascular performance.
  • Regular practice of asana improves blood circulation, lowers blood sugar level and hence reduces the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular diseases. 

 2. Prevents Digestive disorders:- 

  • Asanas like vajrasana and pavanmuktasana helps to provide relief from gas and constipation leading to a healthy digestive system. 

3. Prevents Respiratory disorders:- 
  • Yoga asana are extremely effective for respiratory ailments.
  • Asanas provide relief by clearing the nasal passage, stretching the chest and stimulating the lungs, thereby oxigenating the entire respiratory system.

4. Removes postural deformities:-
  • Yoga asanas are highly effective in curing large number of postural defects.
  • Yoga asana such as Dhanurasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, etc are best corrective asana to remove postural deformities.
5. Reduces stress and tension:-

  • Yoga asanas involve various exercises, meditation and breathing techniques that are beneficial for releasing stress and tension of body and mind.
  • It boosts memory, concentration power, prevents stress, tension, anxiety, depression and inculcates positive thinking.

6. Prevents Injuries:- 

  • Injuries are common among athlete during training or competition.
  • Adopting the practice of asana in their training routine helps to strengthen the muscles, tendons and ligaments.
  • It increases range of motion and there by improves flexibility. 
Obesity is defined as excessive accumulation of body fat.
Yoga asana that are recommended to prevent obesity are 
A) Vajrasana
B) Hastasana
C) Trikonasana
D) Ardh Matsyendrasana

  • Vajrasana is also called Diamond or thunderbolt pose.
  • It is a meditative asana.
  1. Sit on the flat floor in Dandasana. 
  2. Slowly fold your both legs under the hips.
  3. Point the toes of the feet backwards and keep your feet together.
  4. Keep your spine and head erect with closed eyes.
  5. Keep your knees together
  6. Keep your right palm on right knee and left palm on left knee.
  7. Hold this position for five minutes.

  1. Best asana for meditation and concentration.
  2. Helps in digestion
  3. Tones body muscles like hips, thighs and calf muscles.
  4. Cures acidity, gas and constipation
  5. Helps in keeping the mind stable and calm.
  6. Strengthens legs and spine.
  7. Improve blood circulation of the body
  1. People suffering from severe joint pain or knee injury should avoid this asana
  2. People suffering from spinal problems specially lower vertebrae should not try this asana.
  3. Pregnant woman should perform this asana under guidance
  4. People having problem inlarge or small intestine should perform this asana under expert guidance


  • Hastasana is also called upward salute or upward hands pose.
  • It is a part of suryanamaskar.


  1. Stand straight with your arms by the sides.
  2. Inhale and slowly raise your both the arms stretching them over the head towards ceiling.
  3. Hands should be parallel to each other with palms facing each other.
  4. Keep the head, spine and legs straight
  5. Exhale and bring your arms by your side.

  1. Helps to stretch arms, shoulders and spine
  2. Helps to stretch stomach and enhance digestive system
  3. Helps to increase the capacity of lungs.
  4. Helps in enhancing the body postures
  • People with neck or shoulder injuries should avoid this asana.
  • Trikonasana is also called triangle pose.
  1. Stand erect. Keep your feet 3 to 4 feet apart.
  2. Raise your arms horizontally in line of your shoulder
  3. Turn your right feet out by 90 degree and left foot by 15 degree.
  4. Ensure that the weight of the body is balanced equally on both feet.
  5. Take a deep breathe and as you exhale bend your body towards right side from the waist. 
  6. Lift your left hand up and let your right hand touch the ground. Both the arms and your head should be in straight line.
  7. Ensure that your body is bent towards sideward and not backward or forward.
  8. Stretch according to your body limit and breath deeply.
  9. To release the pose inhale and come back
  10. Bring your arms down to your sides and straighten your feet.
  11. Now relax and repeat the same on the left side.

  1. Improves the flexibility of spine
  2. Strengthens the legs, knees, ankles, arms and chest.
  3. Helps to improve digestion
  4. Reduces anxiety, stress, back pain and sciatica.
  5. Helps to remove fats from the waist and thighs.
  1. People with low or high blood pressure should avoid this asana.
  2. Those suffering from spinal or back injuries should avoid this asana.
  3. Pregnant woman should avoid perform this asana under expert giudance.
  • This asana is also called half lord of fish pose.
  • This asana is named after yogi Matsyendranath – founder of Hath Yoga.

  1. Sit on the flat floor in Dandasana. 
  2. Bend your left  leg such that the left foot comes next to right hip.
  3. Then place the right leg next to the left knee by taking it over the knee.
  4. Twist your upper body towards right side and make sure your spine is erect.
  5. Place the right hand behind you and left hand on the right knee.
  6. Hold this pose for 30 to 60 seconds and breath slowly and deeply.
  7. Release the asana slowly, relax and come back to dandasana.
  8. Repeat the steps on the other side.

  1. Improves the flexibility of spine
  2. Strengthens the spine and hips.
  3. Removes the waste and improves digestion.
  4. Relieve fatigue, sciatica, slipped disc, back pain and menstrual discomfort.
  5. Stretches the neck, hips and shoulders.
  6. Helps to manage diabetes.

  1. Women should avoid this asana during pregnancy and menstruation.
  2. People who have gone heart and abdominal surgeries should avoid this asana.
  3. People with severe spinal problems and hernia should avoid this asana.
  • Diabetes is a disease in which sugar level in blood increases beyond normal limits.
  • Normal sugar level varies from 80 mgm per 100 cc (before meal ) and 120 mgm per 100 cc ( after meal).
  • Pancreas secretes INSULIN hormones which helps in burning sugar in our body.
  • Lack of secretion of Insulin by this gland is the major cause of Diabetes.
  • Diabetes can cause heart attack, kidney failure, loss of vision and nerve damage.
  • Yoga asanas that help in managing diabetes are as follows
  1. Bhujangasana
  2. Paschimottanasana
  3. Pawanmuktasana
  4. Ardh Matsyendrasana 


  • Bhujangasana is also known as Snake or Cobra Pose.
  • It forms part of Surya Namskar (sun salutation).


  1. Start in the Prone  Position by lying flat on your stomach. Make sure your feet are together  on the floor and your forehead rest on the ground.
  2. Place your hands (Palms Downwards) under your shoulders, keeping your elbows parallel and close to your torso.
  3. Taking a deep breath in, slowly raise your head, chest and abdomen while keeping your navel touching the floor.
  4. Pull your torso slowly off the floor with the support of your hands.
  5. Arch your back as much as possible, tilt your head back and look up. The elbows should be straight.
  6. Hold this position for 10 to 30 seconds while breathing normally.
  7. Exhale, bend your elbows and bring your torso down to the floor.

  1. Improves the flexibility of spine
  2. Strengthens  back, shoulders and arms.
  3. Improves blood circulation throughout the body.
  4. Helps to relieve stress and fatigue.
  5. Improves respiratory system and helps treat asthama.
  6. Helps to manage diabetes.
  1. Pregnant Women should avoid this asana.
  2. People with fractured ribs or wrist should avoid this asana.
  3. People with abdominal surgeries such as hernia should avoid this asana.
  • Paschimottanasana is also known as Seated forward bending pose.
  1. Sit in Dandasana Position.
  2. Inhale and slowly raise your arms over your head with your palms facing forward.
  3. Keep your neck spine and arms in straight line.
  4. Exhale and slowly bend forward keeping your spine and knees straight.
  5. Your forehead should touch the knees and your elbows should touch the floor.
  6. Hold this position for 10 to 30 seconds.
  7. Then slowly raise your arms and torso until you are upright once again with your arms stretched over your head.
  8. Exhale, and bring your hands down by your sides.


  1. Stretches spine, shoulders and hamstrings and hence improves flexibility
  2. Cures indigestion, constipation and other digestive disorders.
  3. It helps in controlling weight and prevents diabetes.
  4. Calms the mind, removing anxiety, anger, fatigue and irritability.


  1. Avoid practicing this asana, if you are suffering from asthma or diarrhea.
  2. People having back or spinal problem such as sciatica or slipped disc should avoid this asana.
  3. People with abdominal surgeries such as hernia should avoid this asana.
  4. Pregnant woman should avoid this asana.

  • Pavanmuktasana is also known as Wind Relieving Pose. 
  • It can be done by one leg or both the legs.
  • It  relives gas and aids in digestion. 
  • It also cures digestion.

  1. Lie flat on your back with extended legs.
  2. Keep your legs together and place your arms beside your body.
  3. Inhale and as you exhale bring your right knee towards your chest.
  4. Press your thighs on your abdomen with clasped hands.
  5. Breath in again and as you exhale lift your head and chest off the floor and try to touch your nose to the right knee.
  6. Hold this position and take deep long breathes in and out.
  7. Note:- Every time you exhale tighten the grip of hands on the knee and increase the pressure on your chest and every time when you inhale loosen the grip.
  8. Exhale, and bring your leg back to the beginning position to release the pose and relax.
  9. Now breath in again and repeat the same with opposite leg (i.e. Left Leg) and then with both the legs together.
  10. You may rock up and down or roll from side to side for about 3 to 5 times to relax your back.


  1. helps to release unwanted and toxic gas from digestive system. Thus improves digestive functioning.
  2. Prevents and cures diabetes.
  3. relieves indigestion,, acidity and constipation.
  4. helps to relieve tension in lower back, hips and thighs.
  5. Soothes stiffness in spine while toning the abdominal muscles 

  1. Avoid practicing this asana on a full stomach.
  2. People having back or spinal problem such as sciatica or slipped disc should avoid this asana.
  3. People with abdominal surgeries such as hernia should avoid this asana.
  4. Pregnant woman should avoid this asana


  • Asthma is a disease affecting the airways that carry air to and from lungs.
  • Symptoms of asthma:- wheezing, tightness in chest, breathing problems, coughing and swelling of airways.

  • Some yoga asanas that are recommended for the people who are suffering from Asthma are as follows
1. Sukhasana
2. Chakrasana
3. Gaumukhasana
4. Parvatasana
5. Bhujangasana
6. Paschimottanasana
7.  Matsyasana

  • Sukhasana is also known as Easy sitting pose or relaxing pose. 
  • It is best suited for Meditation.


  1. Sit straight with legs stretched out in front of you.
  2. Cross your legs such that your right leg is under the left knee and left leg is under the right knee.
  3. Place your hands on the knees with palm facing downwards.
  4. Close your eyes and breathe normally
  5. Relax your whole body and maintain this posture for 5 minutes.


  1. Relaxes mind and body.
  2. Broadens the chest and color bone and hence fights asthma.
  3. improves body posture.
  4. Strengthens the spine and back muscles.
  5. Helps in reducing fatigue.
  6. stretches the ankles and knees.


  1. People suffering from hip or knee injuries should avoid this asana.
  2. it is also not recommended for people having spinal problems


  1. Chakrasana or the wheel pose is a backward bending yoga asana.  
  2.  It gives great flexibility to the spine.
  4. Lie down on your back with feet apart
  5. bend your knees and place your feet on the ground close to your body.
  6. Now bring your palms under your shoulders such that the fingers point towards the shoulders and the elbows are shoulder width apart.
  7. Inhale and press your palms firmly into the floor.
  8. Lift your shoulders and elbow firmly into the floor
  9. Your Feet should be pressed firmly into the floor.
  10. Inhale and lift your hips up.
  11. The spine should be rolled up so that it may seem to resemble a semi circular arch or wheel.
  12. Straighten out your arms and legs as much as possible so that the hips and chest maybe pushed up.
  13. Hold this pose for at least 15-30 seconds.
  14. To go back to original, bend your elbows to lower your head and shoulders to the floor.
  15. Then bend your knees and bring your spine and hips back to the ground and relax.

Benefits of Chakrasana

  1. Strengthens liver, pancreas and kidneys.
  2. Excellent for heart.
  3. Good for infertility, asthma and osteoporosis.
  4. Strengthens arms, shoulders, hands, wrists and legs.
  5. Stretches the chest and lungs
  6. Strengthens the arms and wrists, legs, buttocks, abdomen, and spine
  7. Stimulates the thyroid and pituitary glands.
  8. Increases energy and counteracts depression


  1. Do not try this Asana in case of back injury, hernia and High or low blood pressure
  2. heart problems, then.
  3. don’t try this  asana If you are suffering from  Headache, Diarrhea etc
  4. Do not perform this if suffering from any cardiac or spinal problems


  • This name comes from the Sanskrit words Go meaning“cow”,  Mukha  meaning “head” or “mouth” and the Asana meaning “posture” or “seat”.  
  • This asana stretches several parts of the body simultaneously, including ankles, thighs, hips, chest, neck, arms and hands
  1. Sit erect on the ground with your legs stretched out in front of you.
  2. Now gently bend your left leg, and place it under the right hip.
  3. Fold your right leg and place it over your left thigh.
  4. Gently fold your left arm and place it behind your back.
  5. Take your right arm over your right shoulder and stretch it as much as you can until it reaches or catches your left hand. 
  6. Keep the trunk erect, expand your chest and lean slightly back.
  7. Hold this pose for as long as you are comfortable as you breathe slowly and deeply.


  1. It makes body flexible and easy to stretch
  2. It helps to cure stiff shoulders and reduces backaches.
  3. It also helps in the treatment of sciatica.
  4. Tones chest and thigh muscles
  5. Reduces stress and anxiety

  1. This asana should not be practiced in case of neck, knee, hip and shoulder injury. 
  2. Don't go beyond your limits. 
This asana is also known as mountain pose.

  1. Sit in vajrasana, sukhasana or padmasana keep  the spine and the neck straight.
  2. Close your eyes gently and inhale , raising both hands above the head .
  3. Join the two palms in namaskar mudra .
  4. Elbows should be straight and hands stretched upwards
  5. Breathing should be normal .
  6. Stay this position for sometime and return to normal position while exhaling .
  7. Repeat this for 4 to 5 times 

  1. Since it gives a full body stretches so it improves the blood circulation.
  2. It helps in reducing mental fatigue and also improves the memory and concentration.
  3. It helps in reducing the respiratory problems like asthma.
  4. The regular practice of this pose prevents rheumatic stiffness and arthritis.

  • Persons suffering from knee problems should not perform this asana.

This asana is pronounced as The fish pose.
It is because if carried out in water, allows the body to float quite easily like that of a fish.

  • Lie on your back. Your feet are together and hands relaxed alongside the body.
  • Place the hands underneath the hips, palms facing down. Bring the elbows closer toward each other.
  • Breathing in, lift the head and chest up.
  • Keeping the chest elevated, lower the head backward and touch the top of the head to the floor.
  • With the head lightly touching the floor, press the elbows firmly into the ground, placing the weight on the elbow and not on the head. Lift your chest up from in-between the shoulder blades. Press the thighs and legs to the floor.
  • Hold the pose for as long as you comfortably can, taking gentle long breaths in and out. Relax in the posture with every exhalation.
  • Now lift the head up, lowering the chest and head to the floor. Bring the hands back along the sides of the body. Relax.

Benefits of the Matsyasana / Fish Pose

  1. Stretches the chest and neck
  2. Helps relieve tension in the neck and shoulders
  3. Provides relief from respiratory disorders by encouraging deep breathing.

Contraindications of the Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

  1. Avoid this posture if you have high or low blood pressure. 
  2. Migraine and insomnia patients should also avoid doing this asana. 
  3. Those who have had serious lower-back or neck injuries are strongly recommended not to practice this pose.
  • Hypertension, also known as high or raised blood pressure.
  • It is a condition in which the blood pressure against the walls of arteries is abnormally high as it is pumped by the heart. 
  • It increase the risk of heart diseases.

Some yoga asanas that are recommended for the people who are suffering from Asthma are as follows
1. Tadasana
2. Ardh Chakrasana
3. Shavasana
4. Vajrasana
5. Bhujangasana
6. Pavanmukt asana

  1. Stand straight, keeping the feet together or about 10 cm apart, and the arms by the sides.
  2. Make the body firm and distribute the body weight equally on both feet.
  3. Raise the arms straight over the head. Interlock the fingers and turn the palms upward. The hands should be raised on the top of the head.
  4. Inhale a deep breath and stretch the arms, shoulders and chest in the upward direction. 
  5. Raise the heels and stand on the toes.
  6. Stretch the whole body from top to bottom. Do not lose balance or move the feet.
  7. Hold the breath and retain this position for a few seconds.
  8. Lower the hands while exhaling and bring the hands down to the sides of your body.
  9. Relax and take deep breaths.


  1. Increases the height and overall growth of the body by stretching the muscles.
  2. Strengthens the abdomen as well as the muscles and legs.
  3. Helpful in giving relief in sciatica and back pain.
  4. Beneficial in reducing flat feet.
  5. Improves the physical as well as the mental balance.


  1. Avoid practicing this asana for too long as prolonged standing may cause strain on the muscles of the legs.
  2. Don’t put too much pressure on the knees as it may cause pain in the knees.
  3. People suffering from  migraine, insomnia, joint pain or low blood pressure should avoid practicing this asana.
  • Ardha Chakrasana is also known as a half wheel, half moon, and standing backward bend pose. 
  • It is effective to strengthen your back, hands, chest, and stomach.

  1. Stand straight and keep some distance between your feet.
  2. Keep arms along sides of the body.
  3. Now while inhaling (breathing in) raise your hands up. Keep your hands straight.
  4. Now while exhaling (breathing out) bend backward as much you can. Hands, knees, and elbows should be straight.
  5. Hold this position for few seconds and keep breathing gently.
  6. Now while breathing out and release your pose to come back to the starting position.

  1. Stretches your back, chest, and arms
  2. Improves digestion
  3. Brings flexibility
  4. Good exercise for lungs health
  5. Get rid of back pain
  6. Effective in curing respiratory disorders
  7. Tones your shoulders and arms.

  1. It should be avoided if
  • Spine problems
  • Hernia patient
  • High blood pressure
2. This asana should be avoided by pregnant woman.

  1. Lie flat on your back, like our sleeping pose. Legs should be separated.
  2. Keep your arms at your side and your palms facing up. Just relax.
  3. Close your eyes and breathe deeply and slowly through the nostrils.
  4. Start concentrating from your head to your feet. This means you are consciously relaxing your each part of the body. Don’t move ahead without relaxing particular part of the body.
  5. On each inhaling and exhaling (breathing) think that your body is totally relaxed. Let your tension, stress, depression and worry run away on each exhaling.

Benefits of Shavasana – Corpse Pose
  1. It relaxes your whole body.
  2. Releases stress, fatigue and tension.
  3. Improves concentration.
  4. Cures insomnia.
  5. Relaxes your muscles.
  6. Excellent asana for stimulating blood circulation.
  7. Beneficial for those suffering from neurological problem, asthma, constipation and diabetes.

  • Back pain is a hazard of modern lifestyle.
  • It is mainly caused due to sedentary lifesatyle, sitting infront of television or computers for long time, by attaining improper habits of sitting, etc

  • yogasanas recommended for prevention and management of back pain are 
1) Tadasana
2) Ardh Matsyendrasana
3) Vakrasana
4) Bhujangasana
5) Shalbhasana

  1. Sit in dandasana position.
  2. Keep your right leg straight and stretched.
  3. Bend the left leg from knee and place the left foot beside the right knee and the left knee raised upward.
  4. Inhale and raise the arms shoulder high, keeping the elbows straight.
  5. Exhaling, twist to the left, place the right arm by the outer side of the left knee and hold the left ankle with the right hand.
  6. Take the left hand behind the back keeping the palms on the floor.
  7. Look backward towards the left side.
  8. Hold on the positionas long as comfortablewhile breathing normally.
  9. Then inhale and raise the right arm shoulder high, keeping the elbows straight.
  10.  Exhaling, release the left twist, place the right hand by the side of right kip and left hand by the side of left hip.
  11.  Take a deep breath and relax.
  12.  Repeat the same from the other side.

  1. Increase hips and spine flexibility.
  2. Removes the wastes and improves digestion
  3. Relieve fatigue, sciatica, backache and menstrual discomfort.
  4. Removes extra fat from the waist hence prevents obesity..
  5. Energizes and stretches the backbone.

  1. It is recommended to avoid during pregnancy and menstruation due to the strong twist in the abdomen.
  2. People with Heart, abdominal or brain surgeries should not practice this asana.
  3. People having severe spinal problems should avoid this asana.

  1. Lie flat on the stomach with the legs and feet together
  2. Place the arms under the body. Keep the hands clenched and the palms downward.
  3. Slightly stretch the chin in the forward direction. Rest the chin on the floor.
  4. Gently close the eyes, relax the whole body, inhale deeply. This is the starting position.
  5. Slowly start raising the legs as high as possible without straining. Don’t bend the knees, keep the legs straight and together.
  6. The elevated state of the legs is achieved by employing pressure with the arms against the floor while contracting the lower back muscles.
  7. Without straining the body, hold the final position for as long as you find it comfortable.
  8. Exhale and slowly lower the legs on the ground. Come back to the starting position. Relax the whole body and turn the head to one side, whichever deems comfortable.
  9. Let the breathing and heartbeat return to normal.

  1. Strengthens the lower back and tones the organs of pelvic region.
  2. Improves the  functioning of stomach, liver and bowels.
  3. Relieves from back pain, slipped disc and sciatica but only if the condition is not severe.
  4. Enhances the functioning of abdominal organs particularly of the lower abdomen.
  5. Strengthens the hips muscles and increases appetite.

  1. Do not strain the body while performing this asana.
  2. Don’t bend the knees or raise the chin above the floor.
  3. This asana is not suitable for people having high blood pressure or a weak heart.
  4. People suffering from  abdominal surgeries, spinal injuries or hernia should avoid practicing this asana.

Friday, March 8, 2019


The food which we eat is known as diet
It is the basic requirement of every individual to fulfil the energy needs

Those components of diet that are required for the maintenance, proper growth and development of the body.
They are divided into two types
Macro nutrients and
Micro nutrients

Macro nutrients: -
They are required in large proportion in our diet.
They include Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins.
They are the main source of energy and needed for the growth, maintenance and development of the body.

They are required in lesser proportion in our diet.
They include vitamins and minerals.
They are considered as supplement food.
They act as defensive food and help in proper functioning of the body.

Nutrition is the science of food that deals with the dynamic process in which the food consumed is digested, nutrients are absorbed and distributed to the tissues for utilisation and wastes are disposed of the body.
Nutrition is the science which deals with nutritious diet and its importance for the individual.

A Balanced diet refers to the intake of diet which provides all essential nutrients necessary for growth and development of body in correct proportions for efficient working of body.
The proper ratio between Protiens, Fats and Carbohydrates should be 1:1:4.

  • Balanced diet provides sufficient energy to perform workout and daily routine activities.
  • Balanced diet helps in proper growth and development of an individual.
  • Balanced diet prevents individual from various health problems, illness and diseases.
  • Balanced diet helps an individual to maintain proper and healthy body weight.
  • Balanced diet helps to repair and replace the worn out tissues, thus helps in faster recovery from injury.
  • Balanced diet provides all essential nutrients required for proper and efficient working of all body systems.
  • Our diet contains large number of nutrients ( Nutritive and Non - Nutritive ).
  • Nutritive components of diet are those components which contribute or provide energy or calories.
  • Nutritive component of diet includes Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins and Minerals.
  • Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for almost all activities of an individual.
  • Carbohydrates are compounds of carbon hydrogen and oxygen with chemical formula CHO
  • On an average one gram of carbohydrates gives 4 Calories of energy on burning 
  • Dietitians recommend 60 to 70% of carbohydrates in our diet.
  • Excess of Carbohydrates are converted into Glycogen which are stored in liver and muscles as energy reserve
  • Less amount of carbohydrates in diet causes under nutrition and weight loss.
  • Carbohydrates are of two types
A) Simple Carbohydrates
B) Complex Carbohydrates
A) Simple Carbohydrate
  • They are used as immediate energy providers 
  • Sources of simple carbohydrates are fruits. low fat milk, table sugar, refined honey, jam etc.
  • All simple carbohydrates are sweet in taste.
B) Complex Carbohydrates
  • Complex carbohydrates are good sources of vitamins and fibres.
  • They releases slow energy as compared to simple carbohydrates where as energy content is higher.
  • Complex carbohydrates are found in bread, cerials like wheat, rice, Maize and bajra, vegetables like potato, carrot, whole pulses etc
Proteins are the basic structures of all living cells.
They are complex organic compounds which form chain of amino acids that contain carbon hydrogen and nitrogen.
Proteins are needed for growth and development of body 
It helps to repair or replace the worn out tissues 
It does not provide energy in normal routine where as it acts as energy source only under extreme starvation condition 
Protein requirement depends upon individuals activity on daily basis for example tissue growth, injury, pregnancy, etc
Dietician recomend 15 to 20% of proteins in our daily diet.
High intake of protein creates overload over kidney and liver, Moreover it leads to dehydration. 
Under protein diet slows down the growth and development along with delayed recovery from injury. 

There are two types of proteins 
A) Essential proteins 
B) Non- essential proteins

A) Essential Proteins:- 
There are 9 essential amino acids which are taken from food 
 They are not made in body 
The sources of essential proteins are pulses milk, dairy products, soyabean, egg, meat etc

B) Non-essential Proteins:- 
These proteins help in the synthesis of essential proteins.
Body requires them in very less quantity.
Sources of non essential proteins are grains, dry fruits, vegetables etc

Fats are the most concentrated source of energy in food
on an average one gram of Fat on burning gives 9 Calories of energy
fats are stored in our body in the form of fatty acids
Fats are important sources of energy for long endurance activities such as hiking, cycling and long distance running
fats also carry vitamins like Vitamin A, D, E and K
Our diet should consist 5 to 10% of fat.

Higher intake of fats increases the risk of obesity and may cause heart diseases.
There are two types of fatty acids
A) Saturated Fatty Acids
B) Unsaturated Fatty Acids

A) Saturated fatty acids
They are found in food items like dairy products cream butter, coconut oil, animal fat etc
They are found in solid and liquid form
They have a sticky quality.

B) Unsaturated fatty acids
These fatty acids largely comes from plants like peanuts oil, olive oil, Soya oil, etc.

Vitamins are very essential for normal working of body
They are important for metabolism of fats and carbohydrates
They do not provide energy but help in repair and maintenance of various tissues
They are required in very small quantity in our diet

They may cause certain deficiency disease if our diet is lacking vitamins.

Vitamins are divided into two groups
Fat Soluble Vitamins and Water Soluble Vitamins

A) Fat soluble vitamins
These vitamins are soluble in fat
They come into our body through fats.
They are stored in liver and fatty tissues.
These vitamins are Vitamin A, D, E and K.

Vitamin A
This vitamin is also known as retinol
 the vitamin is needed for normal growth and development of eyes and skin
deficiency of vitamin A causes night blindness
sources of vitamin A are milk, butter, egg, carrot, cod liver oil, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, etc

Vitamin D
 this vitamin is important for formation of bones and teeth
This vitamin is also known as sunshine vitamin
deficiency of this vitamin causes rickets
sources of vitamin D are milk, butter, green vegetables, etc

Vitamin E
This vitamin is important to protect cell membrane and act as antioxidant 
sources of vitamin E are Whole seed grains, nuts, turmeric, etc

Vitamin K 
This vitamin helps in blood clotting and heels wounds 
sources of vitamin K are cabbage cauliflower spinach serials, soya beans, green leafy vegetables, etc

These vitamins are soluble in water.
They are not stored in a body, so we need them more frequently.
These vitamins include vitamin B and vitamins C 
These vitamins can be destroyed by heat.

Vitamin B
vitamin B is of various types.
vitamin B1 is known as thaimin
It helps in growth and development and help in the synthesis of carbohydrates 
Its deficiency causes beri beri. 

Vitamin B2 is known as Riboflavin
It helps in growth of red blood cells
Deficiency of this vitamin causes retarded growth.

Vitamin B3 is known as niacin 
it's deficiency causes pellegra in which skin sensitivity is lost and causes irritation over skin.

Vitamin B5 is also known as  Pantothenic acid. Vitamin B5 deficiency normally does not occur, but sometimes results in tiredness headache dizziness mood swings and digestive problems.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Vitamin B6 is a key factor in protein and glucose metabolism as well as in the formation of haemoglobin. The main source includes potatoes and other starchy vegetables and bananas.

Vitamin B7 is also known as biotin vitamin B7 is vital for metabolism of nutrients, maintaining hair skin and mucous membrane. It also helps in maintaining nervous system function.
Main sources of Vitamin B7 are peanuts, whole wheat bread cheese, fish etc.
Deficiency of Vitamin B7 causes hair loss

Vitamin B9 is also known as Folic acid. Adequate intake of Vitamin B9 helps body to utilise amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins.
It helps body form blood cells in bone marrow.
It also plays a crucial role in producing nucleic acids- DNA
Sources of Vitamin B9 include broccoli spinach eggs beans milk.

Vitamin B12 helps nervous system, metabolism and energy transfer for growth 
Deficiency of this vitamin causes beri beri in which person has week muscles and poor coordination.
The sources of vitamin B are meat, egg,  grains, cerials, vegetables, beans etc.

Vitamin C:-
Vitamin C is also known as ASCORBIC ACID.
Vitamin C is required for maintenance of ligaments tendons, blood vessels, cappilary walls and delicate lining of mouth and gums 
Deficiency of this vitamin causes scurvy in which gums bleed. 
Sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits liked lemon, orange, amla, tomatoes, vegetables etc.

MINERALS are certain important elements required by body
They are also needed is small quantity. 
They are essential for proper growth and development of body.
It's deficiency causes certain diseases.
They are supplied in the of salts by food items. 

It is required for the formation of hemoglobin. 
Deficiency of iron leads to anaemia.
Sources of iron are green leafy vegetables, eggs, meat etc

It is required for bone and teeth formation 
Its deficiency causes osteoporosis, rickets, retarded growth, less height, delayed recovery from bone injury.
Sources of calcium are milk and milk products, fruits, tomatoes, vegetables, etc.

Its deficiency causes goitre
It's sources seafood, iodide salt

It helps in making strong bones and teeth 
Sources are egg, meat, dry fruits, grains

It helps nervous system for better neuromuscular responses 
It's deficiency causes cramps and tiredness 
It's sources are common salt, fruits and vegetables.

Non-Nutritive components of the diet are those components of diet which do not provide us energy, calories, etc. 
Non-Nutritive components of the diet include roughage(fibre), water, colour, flavour, etc.

1. Fibre or Roughage:-
Fibre or roughage has no nutritive value
 It is an digested part of the food and it cannot be digested by human intestine tract
 It helps the individual to satisfy the appetite
 It helps to correct the disorders of large intestine
 It also prevents constipation 
Fibre reduces blood sugar fluctuations and lowers cholesterol.
Sources of Fibre are wheat, fruits, root, vegetables, oats, connective tissues of meat and fish etc.

2. Water:-
Water is also a non-nutritive component of the diet. 
Water is used in food to cook or to provide suitable texture. 
It helps to regulate body temperature, 
it keeps our skin moist etc. 
It is excreted from our body in the form of urine, sweat, faeces and water vapours in the exhaled breath.

3. Colour Compounds:-
To make food more attractive, food colours are added to it. 
Natural colours are present in fruits and vegetables. 
Colours obtained from animal products and grains are less bright or dark in colours.

4. Flavours:-
Flavours are classified into 2 types: Natural flavours and Artificial flavours.
Natural flavours are obtained from fruits, vegetables, animals etc while artificial flavours are those which are obtained from chemicals.

Flavours are added to food to develop its taste.

5. Plants Compounds:-
Many different non-nutritive substances are commonly consumed in the daily diet.
These include the beverages coffee and tea.
They may be harmful to us if taken in excessive quantity.

Excess of such products may lead to increase in heart rate, secretion of stomach acid and urination.

Healthy Weight:-
Healthy weight is that weight at which and individual leads a healthy life without any risk  of diseases or health problems such as diabetes hypertension back pain etc.
There are usually to methods to calculate healthy weight
Height and weight chart

Body mass index chart

Methods to control healthy body weight.
1. Regular physical exercise:-
An obese person should perform physical activity regularly and avoid sedentary lifestyle.
Exercise has positive effect on metabolism and helps to burn extra calories
This ultimately helps in maintaining healthy body weight.

2. Avoid Junk and Fast food:-
Try to avoid junk and fast food such as pizza burger cookies pastry cold rings etc
They are high calorie food and intake of such food leads to overweight or obesity.

3. Don't skip meals:-
Sometimes people don’t eat to reduce weight 
don’t skip meals such as breakfast lunch or dinner as it increases hunger and results in greater food consumption in your next meal.
these even leads to serious health problems.

4. Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs:-
Obese or overweight person should strictly avoid drinking alcohol smoking and chewing tobacco.
 These things increase your appetite and leads to over eating.

5. Eating lot of fibrous food:-
Food items like fruits salad vegetables etc are rich sources of fibrous food.
Foods with high fibre content provider vitamins and minerals to the body.
They are low in energy food and thus prevent obesity.

6. Avoid overeating:-
one should avoid over eating to control or maintain healthy body weight 
it means eat the food according to the requirement of the body 
the diet should be divided into various small meals after some intervals rather than big heavy meals.

7. Avoid fats and carbohydrates rich food:-
Both fats and carbohydrates are the main source of energy 
but access of fat and rich carbohydrate food can lead to obesity or overweight
Thus avoid tried food and direct fats like butter, cream, ghee, animal fat etc.
The amount of carbohydrate intake in diet should also be reduced to control body weight

8. Drink Plenty of Fluids:-
One should drink plenty of water , fruit juice , drinks etc 
it prevents acidity and reduces stress over kidney and stomach
It helps in cleaning body waste also.

The main pitfalls of dieting are as follows
1. Extreme Reduction of Calories:-
Person performing dieting reduces the intake of calories considerably.
 These causes low energy level and  lowers metabolism.
Thus the person experiences tiredness, body ache etc.

2. Skipping Meals:- 
People often skip meals to reduce weight whereas in the next mail they eat large amount of foods.
Hence skipping meals works against your weight loss plans.

3. Restriction on essential nutrients:-
Generally some nutrients like carbohydrates and parts are restricted in dieting.

The person take diet without fats and less carbohydrates by which health is affected.

4. Not performing physical activity:-
People often considered that reducing diet is good for controlling weight thus they neglect physical activity which is equally important for healthy lifestyle.
Exercise has a positive effect on metabolism and also helps to burn extra calories
Exercise increases metabolic rate which ultimately reduces the body weight
So dieting is beneficial if you perform exercise along with it.

5. Starving:-
Starving causes serious health problems and it is dangerous
Thus starving should not be done for longer period.

6. Intake of labelled foods:- 
Most of the people who go on dieting usually go for such food products that carry the label sugar free low calories no fat or fat free etc
Such type of food is not always the best for losing the weight
 It also does not meet all the requirement of the body

7. Taking less liquid:- 
People often think that drinking water or  liquid makes them to gain weight which is wrong.

Sports nutrition is the study and practice of nutrition and diet as it relates to performance in the field of games and sports
It deals with the type and quantity of fluid and food intake by sports person

It also deals with nutrients such as carbohydrates proteins, fats vitamins, minerals, water etc


Nutrition before competition
The diet one week before the competition should be rich in complex carbohydrates such as rice , wheat , bread , potatoes , cereals , milk , cakes , etc
This helps and rising the glycogen stores of energy in the body,
Vitamins and minerals should also be maintained during this period.
The meal before the competition should be taken 3 to 4 hours before the competition.
This diet should be rich in complex carbohydrates , low in fat , low in protein , low in fibres like milk , cereals , rice , wheat , bread , cake , potatoes , past , chocolate etc.

Nutition during competition
Nutrition during competition is essential to stay hydrated and to maintain blood sugar levels so that sports person may not feel fatigue.
If duration of the competition is more than 1 hour , a sports person should take simple carbohydrates at regular intervals during competition.
This diet should be more in liquid form then in hard stuffy form.
The water balance of the body is maintained with sufficient quick energy sources such as fruits, fruit juices, banana, sports drinks, energy  drinks etc.

Nutrition after competition
Nutrition after competition is essential for getting proper recovery and for restoration of glycogen stores in contact sports such as wrestling, judo, boxing, kabaddi etc 
There are lot of injuries during competition as well as during training period.
Thus the diet should have more amount of proteins to repair and replace the worn out tissues
The players are also advise to take lot of complex carbohydrates along with vitamins and minerals in explosive activities like throws, jumps, weightlifting etc 
The players should take lot of vitamins and minerals along with raised amount of proteins in the diet.
 Meals after competition should be taken within 2 hours of competition for best glycogen restoration.

Food in tolerance is that when a person has difficulty in digestion a particular food
It arises  when the individual elements of food that cannot be properly processed and absorbed by our digestive system
Food intolerance is a problem that arises when a person consumes large amount of specific food whereas less amount of same food can be tolerated or digested.
It shows symptoms like vomiting, pain in joints, headache , rashes on the skin etc
This can be prevented by avoiding those certain food products and intake of yogurt products , consuming alternate food products etc

It is a misconception or belief of people regarding food without knowing any scientific reason.
The following are some of the common dieting myths

MYTH:- Low fat or no fat diet are good for you.
FACT: -  Leading dietitians believe that low fat diet helps in losing weight but there is no need to follow fat free diet.
Cutting down on saturated fats and eating unsaturated fats will help in maintaining hralthy body weight.
Body needs fat for energy, tissue repair and to transport vitamins A, D, E and K.

MYTH:- Potatoes makes you fat.
FACT: -  People used to think that carbohydrates rich food like potatoes and rice increases body weight.
So for reducing weight they avoid carbohydrate rich foods from their diet.
We know that carbohydrates are the main source of energy.
So, potatoes will not make you fat if taken in moderate quantity.

MYTH: - Starve yourself if you want to lose weight.
Fact eating a good diet is important than not to eat when you are on weight loss program to prevent overeating.
Food items which suppresses appetite and increases metabolism should be increased in diet.
So there is no need to starve yourself to lose weight.

MYTH: Eggs increases Cholesterol level avoid them.
FACT: - More often people with high cholesterol avoid eggs.
Eggs are not harmful if taken in moderate quantity.
In fact it is considered as complete food as It provides various nutrients like proteins, vitamins and minerals.

MYTH:- Food eaten at late night is more fattening.
FACT:- Expert says that it is not when you eat that makes you fat, actually what you eat and amount of calories you intake makes you fat.
People who skip meals during day, eat lot in evening and more likely to gain fat than those who eat regularly throughout the day.

MYTH:- Only overwieght / Obese person needs exercise.
FACT:- Many people think that those who are dieting don't need to perform any exercises to lose weight.
Whereas fact is that exercises help to keep us healthy both physically as well as mentally.
moreover it manages stresses of life and develops socialization.


MOTOR DEVELOPMENT  It refers to the development of child bones, muscles, ability to move around and manipulate his or her environment ...