Friday, March 8, 2019


The food which we eat is known as diet
It is the basic requirement of every individual to fulfil the energy needs

Those components of diet that are required for the maintenance, proper growth and development of the body.
They are divided into two types
Macro nutrients and
Micro nutrients

Macro nutrients: -
They are required in large proportion in our diet.
They include Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins.
They are the main source of energy and needed for the growth, maintenance and development of the body.

They are required in lesser proportion in our diet.
They include vitamins and minerals.
They are considered as supplement food.
They act as defensive food and help in proper functioning of the body.

Nutrition is the science of food that deals with the dynamic process in which the food consumed is digested, nutrients are absorbed and distributed to the tissues for utilisation and wastes are disposed of the body.
Nutrition is the science which deals with nutritious diet and its importance for the individual.

A Balanced diet refers to the intake of diet which provides all essential nutrients necessary for growth and development of body in correct proportions for efficient working of body.
The proper ratio between Protiens, Fats and Carbohydrates should be 1:1:4.

  • Balanced diet provides sufficient energy to perform workout and daily routine activities.
  • Balanced diet helps in proper growth and development of an individual.
  • Balanced diet prevents individual from various health problems, illness and diseases.
  • Balanced diet helps an individual to maintain proper and healthy body weight.
  • Balanced diet helps to repair and replace the worn out tissues, thus helps in faster recovery from injury.
  • Balanced diet provides all essential nutrients required for proper and efficient working of all body systems.
  • Our diet contains large number of nutrients ( Nutritive and Non - Nutritive ).
  • Nutritive components of diet are those components which contribute or provide energy or calories.
  • Nutritive component of diet includes Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins and Minerals.
  • Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for almost all activities of an individual.
  • Carbohydrates are compounds of carbon hydrogen and oxygen with chemical formula CHO
  • On an average one gram of carbohydrates gives 4 Calories of energy on burning 
  • Dietitians recommend 60 to 70% of carbohydrates in our diet.
  • Excess of Carbohydrates are converted into Glycogen which are stored in liver and muscles as energy reserve
  • Less amount of carbohydrates in diet causes under nutrition and weight loss.
  • Carbohydrates are of two types
A) Simple Carbohydrates
B) Complex Carbohydrates
A) Simple Carbohydrate
  • They are used as immediate energy providers 
  • Sources of simple carbohydrates are fruits. low fat milk, table sugar, refined honey, jam etc.
  • All simple carbohydrates are sweet in taste.
B) Complex Carbohydrates
  • Complex carbohydrates are good sources of vitamins and fibres.
  • They releases slow energy as compared to simple carbohydrates where as energy content is higher.
  • Complex carbohydrates are found in bread, cerials like wheat, rice, Maize and bajra, vegetables like potato, carrot, whole pulses etc
Proteins are the basic structures of all living cells.
They are complex organic compounds which form chain of amino acids that contain carbon hydrogen and nitrogen.
Proteins are needed for growth and development of body 
It helps to repair or replace the worn out tissues 
It does not provide energy in normal routine where as it acts as energy source only under extreme starvation condition 
Protein requirement depends upon individuals activity on daily basis for example tissue growth, injury, pregnancy, etc
Dietician recomend 15 to 20% of proteins in our daily diet.
High intake of protein creates overload over kidney and liver, Moreover it leads to dehydration. 
Under protein diet slows down the growth and development along with delayed recovery from injury. 

There are two types of proteins 
A) Essential proteins 
B) Non- essential proteins

A) Essential Proteins:- 
There are 9 essential amino acids which are taken from food 
 They are not made in body 
The sources of essential proteins are pulses milk, dairy products, soyabean, egg, meat etc

B) Non-essential Proteins:- 
These proteins help in the synthesis of essential proteins.
Body requires them in very less quantity.
Sources of non essential proteins are grains, dry fruits, vegetables etc

Fats are the most concentrated source of energy in food
on an average one gram of Fat on burning gives 9 Calories of energy
fats are stored in our body in the form of fatty acids
Fats are important sources of energy for long endurance activities such as hiking, cycling and long distance running
fats also carry vitamins like Vitamin A, D, E and K
Our diet should consist 5 to 10% of fat.

Higher intake of fats increases the risk of obesity and may cause heart diseases.
There are two types of fatty acids
A) Saturated Fatty Acids
B) Unsaturated Fatty Acids

A) Saturated fatty acids
They are found in food items like dairy products cream butter, coconut oil, animal fat etc
They are found in solid and liquid form
They have a sticky quality.

B) Unsaturated fatty acids
These fatty acids largely comes from plants like peanuts oil, olive oil, Soya oil, etc.

Vitamins are very essential for normal working of body
They are important for metabolism of fats and carbohydrates
They do not provide energy but help in repair and maintenance of various tissues
They are required in very small quantity in our diet

They may cause certain deficiency disease if our diet is lacking vitamins.

Vitamins are divided into two groups
Fat Soluble Vitamins and Water Soluble Vitamins

A) Fat soluble vitamins
These vitamins are soluble in fat
They come into our body through fats.
They are stored in liver and fatty tissues.
These vitamins are Vitamin A, D, E and K.

Vitamin A
This vitamin is also known as retinol
 the vitamin is needed for normal growth and development of eyes and skin
deficiency of vitamin A causes night blindness
sources of vitamin A are milk, butter, egg, carrot, cod liver oil, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, etc

Vitamin D
 this vitamin is important for formation of bones and teeth
This vitamin is also known as sunshine vitamin
deficiency of this vitamin causes rickets
sources of vitamin D are milk, butter, green vegetables, etc

Vitamin E
This vitamin is important to protect cell membrane and act as antioxidant 
sources of vitamin E are Whole seed grains, nuts, turmeric, etc

Vitamin K 
This vitamin helps in blood clotting and heels wounds 
sources of vitamin K are cabbage cauliflower spinach serials, soya beans, green leafy vegetables, etc

These vitamins are soluble in water.
They are not stored in a body, so we need them more frequently.
These vitamins include vitamin B and vitamins C 
These vitamins can be destroyed by heat.

Vitamin B
vitamin B is of various types.
vitamin B1 is known as thaimin
It helps in growth and development and help in the synthesis of carbohydrates 
Its deficiency causes beri beri. 

Vitamin B2 is known as Riboflavin
It helps in growth of red blood cells
Deficiency of this vitamin causes retarded growth.

Vitamin B3 is known as niacin 
it's deficiency causes pellegra in which skin sensitivity is lost and causes irritation over skin.

Vitamin B5 is also known as  Pantothenic acid. Vitamin B5 deficiency normally does not occur, but sometimes results in tiredness headache dizziness mood swings and digestive problems.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Vitamin B6 is a key factor in protein and glucose metabolism as well as in the formation of haemoglobin. The main source includes potatoes and other starchy vegetables and bananas.

Vitamin B7 is also known as biotin vitamin B7 is vital for metabolism of nutrients, maintaining hair skin and mucous membrane. It also helps in maintaining nervous system function.
Main sources of Vitamin B7 are peanuts, whole wheat bread cheese, fish etc.
Deficiency of Vitamin B7 causes hair loss

Vitamin B9 is also known as Folic acid. Adequate intake of Vitamin B9 helps body to utilise amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins.
It helps body form blood cells in bone marrow.
It also plays a crucial role in producing nucleic acids- DNA
Sources of Vitamin B9 include broccoli spinach eggs beans milk.

Vitamin B12 helps nervous system, metabolism and energy transfer for growth 
Deficiency of this vitamin causes beri beri in which person has week muscles and poor coordination.
The sources of vitamin B are meat, egg,  grains, cerials, vegetables, beans etc.

Vitamin C:-
Vitamin C is also known as ASCORBIC ACID.
Vitamin C is required for maintenance of ligaments tendons, blood vessels, cappilary walls and delicate lining of mouth and gums 
Deficiency of this vitamin causes scurvy in which gums bleed. 
Sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits liked lemon, orange, amla, tomatoes, vegetables etc.

MINERALS are certain important elements required by body
They are also needed is small quantity. 
They are essential for proper growth and development of body.
It's deficiency causes certain diseases.
They are supplied in the of salts by food items. 

It is required for the formation of hemoglobin. 
Deficiency of iron leads to anaemia.
Sources of iron are green leafy vegetables, eggs, meat etc

It is required for bone and teeth formation 
Its deficiency causes osteoporosis, rickets, retarded growth, less height, delayed recovery from bone injury.
Sources of calcium are milk and milk products, fruits, tomatoes, vegetables, etc.

Its deficiency causes goitre
It's sources seafood, iodide salt

It helps in making strong bones and teeth 
Sources are egg, meat, dry fruits, grains

It helps nervous system for better neuromuscular responses 
It's deficiency causes cramps and tiredness 
It's sources are common salt, fruits and vegetables.

Non-Nutritive components of the diet are those components of diet which do not provide us energy, calories, etc. 
Non-Nutritive components of the diet include roughage(fibre), water, colour, flavour, etc.

1. Fibre or Roughage:-
Fibre or roughage has no nutritive value
 It is an digested part of the food and it cannot be digested by human intestine tract
 It helps the individual to satisfy the appetite
 It helps to correct the disorders of large intestine
 It also prevents constipation 
Fibre reduces blood sugar fluctuations and lowers cholesterol.
Sources of Fibre are wheat, fruits, root, vegetables, oats, connective tissues of meat and fish etc.

2. Water:-
Water is also a non-nutritive component of the diet. 
Water is used in food to cook or to provide suitable texture. 
It helps to regulate body temperature, 
it keeps our skin moist etc. 
It is excreted from our body in the form of urine, sweat, faeces and water vapours in the exhaled breath.

3. Colour Compounds:-
To make food more attractive, food colours are added to it. 
Natural colours are present in fruits and vegetables. 
Colours obtained from animal products and grains are less bright or dark in colours.

4. Flavours:-
Flavours are classified into 2 types: Natural flavours and Artificial flavours.
Natural flavours are obtained from fruits, vegetables, animals etc while artificial flavours are those which are obtained from chemicals.

Flavours are added to food to develop its taste.

5. Plants Compounds:-
Many different non-nutritive substances are commonly consumed in the daily diet.
These include the beverages coffee and tea.
They may be harmful to us if taken in excessive quantity.

Excess of such products may lead to increase in heart rate, secretion of stomach acid and urination.

Healthy Weight:-
Healthy weight is that weight at which and individual leads a healthy life without any risk  of diseases or health problems such as diabetes hypertension back pain etc.
There are usually to methods to calculate healthy weight
Height and weight chart

Body mass index chart

Methods to control healthy body weight.
1. Regular physical exercise:-
An obese person should perform physical activity regularly and avoid sedentary lifestyle.
Exercise has positive effect on metabolism and helps to burn extra calories
This ultimately helps in maintaining healthy body weight.

2. Avoid Junk and Fast food:-
Try to avoid junk and fast food such as pizza burger cookies pastry cold rings etc
They are high calorie food and intake of such food leads to overweight or obesity.

3. Don't skip meals:-
Sometimes people don’t eat to reduce weight 
don’t skip meals such as breakfast lunch or dinner as it increases hunger and results in greater food consumption in your next meal.
these even leads to serious health problems.

4. Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs:-
Obese or overweight person should strictly avoid drinking alcohol smoking and chewing tobacco.
 These things increase your appetite and leads to over eating.

5. Eating lot of fibrous food:-
Food items like fruits salad vegetables etc are rich sources of fibrous food.
Foods with high fibre content provider vitamins and minerals to the body.
They are low in energy food and thus prevent obesity.

6. Avoid overeating:-
one should avoid over eating to control or maintain healthy body weight 
it means eat the food according to the requirement of the body 
the diet should be divided into various small meals after some intervals rather than big heavy meals.

7. Avoid fats and carbohydrates rich food:-
Both fats and carbohydrates are the main source of energy 
but access of fat and rich carbohydrate food can lead to obesity or overweight
Thus avoid tried food and direct fats like butter, cream, ghee, animal fat etc.
The amount of carbohydrate intake in diet should also be reduced to control body weight

8. Drink Plenty of Fluids:-
One should drink plenty of water , fruit juice , drinks etc 
it prevents acidity and reduces stress over kidney and stomach
It helps in cleaning body waste also.

The main pitfalls of dieting are as follows
1. Extreme Reduction of Calories:-
Person performing dieting reduces the intake of calories considerably.
 These causes low energy level and  lowers metabolism.
Thus the person experiences tiredness, body ache etc.

2. Skipping Meals:- 
People often skip meals to reduce weight whereas in the next mail they eat large amount of foods.
Hence skipping meals works against your weight loss plans.

3. Restriction on essential nutrients:-
Generally some nutrients like carbohydrates and parts are restricted in dieting.

The person take diet without fats and less carbohydrates by which health is affected.

4. Not performing physical activity:-
People often considered that reducing diet is good for controlling weight thus they neglect physical activity which is equally important for healthy lifestyle.
Exercise has a positive effect on metabolism and also helps to burn extra calories
Exercise increases metabolic rate which ultimately reduces the body weight
So dieting is beneficial if you perform exercise along with it.

5. Starving:-
Starving causes serious health problems and it is dangerous
Thus starving should not be done for longer period.

6. Intake of labelled foods:- 
Most of the people who go on dieting usually go for such food products that carry the label sugar free low calories no fat or fat free etc
Such type of food is not always the best for losing the weight
 It also does not meet all the requirement of the body

7. Taking less liquid:- 
People often think that drinking water or  liquid makes them to gain weight which is wrong.

Sports nutrition is the study and practice of nutrition and diet as it relates to performance in the field of games and sports
It deals with the type and quantity of fluid and food intake by sports person

It also deals with nutrients such as carbohydrates proteins, fats vitamins, minerals, water etc


Nutrition before competition
The diet one week before the competition should be rich in complex carbohydrates such as rice , wheat , bread , potatoes , cereals , milk , cakes , etc
This helps and rising the glycogen stores of energy in the body,
Vitamins and minerals should also be maintained during this period.
The meal before the competition should be taken 3 to 4 hours before the competition.
This diet should be rich in complex carbohydrates , low in fat , low in protein , low in fibres like milk , cereals , rice , wheat , bread , cake , potatoes , past , chocolate etc.

Nutition during competition
Nutrition during competition is essential to stay hydrated and to maintain blood sugar levels so that sports person may not feel fatigue.
If duration of the competition is more than 1 hour , a sports person should take simple carbohydrates at regular intervals during competition.
This diet should be more in liquid form then in hard stuffy form.
The water balance of the body is maintained with sufficient quick energy sources such as fruits, fruit juices, banana, sports drinks, energy  drinks etc.

Nutrition after competition
Nutrition after competition is essential for getting proper recovery and for restoration of glycogen stores in contact sports such as wrestling, judo, boxing, kabaddi etc 
There are lot of injuries during competition as well as during training period.
Thus the diet should have more amount of proteins to repair and replace the worn out tissues
The players are also advise to take lot of complex carbohydrates along with vitamins and minerals in explosive activities like throws, jumps, weightlifting etc 
The players should take lot of vitamins and minerals along with raised amount of proteins in the diet.
 Meals after competition should be taken within 2 hours of competition for best glycogen restoration.

Food in tolerance is that when a person has difficulty in digestion a particular food
It arises  when the individual elements of food that cannot be properly processed and absorbed by our digestive system
Food intolerance is a problem that arises when a person consumes large amount of specific food whereas less amount of same food can be tolerated or digested.
It shows symptoms like vomiting, pain in joints, headache , rashes on the skin etc
This can be prevented by avoiding those certain food products and intake of yogurt products , consuming alternate food products etc

It is a misconception or belief of people regarding food without knowing any scientific reason.
The following are some of the common dieting myths

MYTH:- Low fat or no fat diet are good for you.
FACT: -  Leading dietitians believe that low fat diet helps in losing weight but there is no need to follow fat free diet.
Cutting down on saturated fats and eating unsaturated fats will help in maintaining hralthy body weight.
Body needs fat for energy, tissue repair and to transport vitamins A, D, E and K.

MYTH:- Potatoes makes you fat.
FACT: -  People used to think that carbohydrates rich food like potatoes and rice increases body weight.
So for reducing weight they avoid carbohydrate rich foods from their diet.
We know that carbohydrates are the main source of energy.
So, potatoes will not make you fat if taken in moderate quantity.

MYTH: - Starve yourself if you want to lose weight.
Fact eating a good diet is important than not to eat when you are on weight loss program to prevent overeating.
Food items which suppresses appetite and increases metabolism should be increased in diet.
So there is no need to starve yourself to lose weight.

MYTH: Eggs increases Cholesterol level avoid them.
FACT: - More often people with high cholesterol avoid eggs.
Eggs are not harmful if taken in moderate quantity.
In fact it is considered as complete food as It provides various nutrients like proteins, vitamins and minerals.

MYTH:- Food eaten at late night is more fattening.
FACT:- Expert says that it is not when you eat that makes you fat, actually what you eat and amount of calories you intake makes you fat.
People who skip meals during day, eat lot in evening and more likely to gain fat than those who eat regularly throughout the day.

MYTH:- Only overwieght / Obese person needs exercise.
FACT:- Many people think that those who are dieting don't need to perform any exercises to lose weight.
Whereas fact is that exercises help to keep us healthy both physically as well as mentally.
moreover it manages stresses of life and develops socialization.


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